November 1, 2023
You did change every clock?
When the clocks go back, there’s always one thing you forget to change. Did you remember to change the clock on your camera?

I can remember, as a kid, that when the clocks changed, we spent ages going around the house and manually updating the time by an hour. I’m sure the clock on the cooker was so complicated that we just left it, and it was right for six months of the year. Today, most devices automatically update the time (not the oven; that’s still an hour ahead!). However, I bet there is one clock that many of you will have forgotten to update: the one on your camera.
Does it matter?
As a professional photographer, I submit photos with captions on them. Part of the captions that I add include the date the picture was taken. This is taken from the metadata produced by the camera. If the clock is wrong in the camera, the metadata will also be wrong. However, if you’re not a pro, there are still good reasons to ensure the time is correct. I set Lightroom up to import photos into folders that include the date the picture was taken – it keeps everything tidy, and I’d recommend you do this, too. Again, if the camera date and time are wrong, the pictures may not go into the correct folder. Changing the time is pretty easy; you just need to make a note in your diary to update it every time the Daylight Savings Time changes.
How do I update the time?
Every camera manufacturer differs, so I’ll cover the five most popular brands. Some camera firms have released apps that allow you to control the camera by Bluetooth or wifi. Quite often, these apps will also synchronise the time on your phone to your camera clock. Try that first, and if that doesn’t work, follow the instructions below.
- Press the Menu button.
- Go to the settings tab (usually the yellow menu) and choose Date/Time/Zone.
- You can manually set the date and time using the arrow keys to select an item, then press the Q/Set button.
- Many Canon cameras have a Daylight Savings Time button. Select On in March and Off in October. The clock will be adjusted automatically by an hour.
- Exit the settings by pressing the OK button at the bottom.
- Press the Menu button.
- Go to the Settings tab, indicated with a spanner.
- Take the option Time Zone and Date.
- Select Date and Time to adjust the clock manually. Press the left and right arrows to move between items. Press the up and down arrows to change the item. Press OK when the correct time has been selected.
- If the camera has the option, select Daylight Saving Time. Select On in March and Off in October.
- Press the Menu button.
- Select the Date/Time Setup option from the settings menu, indicated with a toolbox, and press Enter.
- There is an option for Daylight Savings. Press enter when selected and choose On in March and Off in October.
- The date and time can be changed manually by selecting the Date/Time option.
- Press the Menu/OK button.
- Scroll to the Settings menu, indicated with a spanner.
- Take the option User Setting.
- Take the option Date/Time.
- Use the left and right arrows to move between the settings. The up and down arrows will change the date and time items.
- Press the Menu/OK button to save the updated settings.
- Press the Menu button.
- Scroll to the settings menu, indicated with a spanner.
- Take the option Clock Set.
- Use the left and right arrows to move between the items and the up and down arrows to change the value.
- Press the Set button to confirm the clock change.